The actual ingredients of many novel and alternative therapies are uncertain and in some circumstances will interact with anaesthesia. As a result I advise that all herbal and alternative medications are stopped at least one week prior to surgery.
Medication and allergies
As a general rule you should continue to take all your normal pills and medications (with a sip of water if required) at the normal times even on the day of surgery except in the following circumstances..
✤ you take any drugs that end with ….pril (eg ramipril, lisinopril) – avoid these on the day of surgery
✤ you take any drugs that end with …artan (eg losartan, valsartan) – avoid these on the day of surgery
✤ you take tablets to control your diabetes. All pills and tablets used to treat diabetes should be omitted on the day of surgery (if you take long-acting medication e.g. Lantus, please discuss this with me)
✤ you take warfarin. Warfarin should be stopped 5 days prior to surgery . If you take warfarin because you have a mechanical heart valve you will need specialist advice If you are having a facelift procedure or eyelid surgery, then your blood pressure control is extremely important, please discuss your medication with me well before the day of the operation.